DIY: How to make a Valentines Card that keeps giving...52 Days to be exact ;)
This is a really cute, fun, and thoughtful gift that will be sure to make your special someone swoon for days...52 days to be exact! I found this idea years ago through a co-worker and I soon found myself making this for my anniversary. However, this is the perfect gift (and you still have time) for this Valentines Day! This is a great gift, with MAXIMUM emotional impact and MINIMUM wallet impact. You will be making a 52 point card to be shared every day for 52 days. Each new day you turn over a new card and it has another loving saying.---Or you just flip through them all at once if your my Husband. I hope you enjoy, share pictures of your own!
Materials Needed: --All can be found at local craft stores such as Michaels or Hobby Lobby
1 Deck of cards
Card Stock (colors of your choice)
Stickers (your choice)
Hole Punch
Glue Stick
Two Individual Album Rings
Marker and/or Printer

Sort through the deck of cards and find the Jokers. Set them aside. In each card use the hole punch to punch two holes on the left side of the cards.

Take the card stock and cut out either a full size piece to cover the entire card, or just the center portion of the card. Make it as unique as you. The two Jokers we sat aside earlier, those will be your Cover Pages.

Here is the fun part, come up with 52 reasons why you love your spouse, child, parent, or even best friend! This is sure to bring smiles for years to come in the form of positive affirmations every day! I made mine over 5 years ago and my husband will still take it out time to time to look through them. It has brought us both laughs over the years to go back and see the very corny reasons I fell in love with him. Once decorated, place all the cards back into a single stack, then thread the album rings through the deck. VOILA, you have a "52-Reason" Card Album!

Have Fun, Make Memories, Remember the Good Times!